Dan Landrum & Aaron O'Rourke
Our first Coffeehouse Concert in January 2018 featured Dan Landrum on hammered dulcimer and Aaron O’Rourke on mountain dulcimer.

Valentine's Dance 2018
The Irish Brothers
August 2018 Coffeehouse Concert
Room 10
Room 10
New lights, painted & patched ceiling.
Room 10
New paint on walls, trim, and chalkboards. Volunteers apply Australian Oil to the wood floors. The lockers work as a supply closet.
Room 9
Patching walls, prepping for paint.
Room 9
It took many hands to scrape the floors in Room 9.
Room 12
This room took so many coats of DryLock, primer, and finally paint.
Hallway window
Hallway window
Still needs glazing, but at least you can touch it now!
Scraping doors
Thanks, Kittie!
So Many Doors
Thanks, Tom!
Boy's Bathroom
Flaking paint and rusty pipe.
Boy's Bathroom
Boy's Bathroom
After 30 man-hours spent cleaning and priming, we finally get to paint.

Boys Bathroom - After
Jazzing up the place!

Boys Bathroom - After
The boys bathroom looks so clean in its new blue-gray color.
Removal of metal buildings
The Town Department crew is removing the two small metal buildings. They were in rough shape.
Bulletin Board
January 2019
Campaign to raise $40,000 to heat the theater.

Girl's Bathroom BEFORE

Girl's Bathroom
So bright and clean! Little girls love purple.

Girl's Bathroom BEFORE

Girl's Bathroom
New Mom and Baby corner.

Girl's Bathroom BEFORE

Girl's Bathroom
New chandelier and mirrors. Love the sparkle!

Front Boys Bathroom - Before
Feb. 2019 - This room needed a little new flooring, about a dozen holes patched, walls and trim primed and painted. The ceiling was a patchwork mess, the plaster behind the radiator and toilets had crumbled, and many of the glass pieces in the window were broken. But, it’s such a cool bathroom!

Front Boys Bathroom - Before
1920s marble urinals. Can urinals be cool?

Room 1 Closet - Before
March 2019- Scraping and painting has begun in Room 1.

Room 1 - Before
This room has been wet and cold for a while, causing the paint to flake from the windows and the plaster to crumble.

Conference Room 1

Lobby Ceiling Before

Lobby After

Room 2 Before

Room 2 After

Theater - Newly Refinished Floors
The floors in the theater look so amazing! Thanks to the town crew who made quick work of getting the chairs up and out of the way so this could happen. We appreciate YOU!

Porch Ceiling Before